Thursday, May 16, 2019

Gerald by Zayden

Once upon a time there was a little bird named Gerald. Gerald was
a good bird , he’s nice to all (especially his owners) he has a great life.

But there was one problem. So when Gerald was a baby (with feathers)
his owners got a cat the cats name was tom, he doesn’t like Gerald
he wants to eat him. Gerald tries to be friends with tom but he will
always ‘hiss’ & ‘chomp’. At this point gerald has basically given up, but
not tom, he wouldn't stop attempting to eat gerald. One night tom came
up with a plan a pretty smart one, so while gerald was asleep  in his cage,
he would break in and eat him. ( by now you should know toms evil).

The next night he proceeded with the plan. He quietly went by gerald's
cage , opened it stood back got a run up and ‘slam!’ the cage shut & gerald
was on the other side ( tricky little bird) and gerald bursted out laughing
( with tweets). After like two minutes you think he would of stopped, nope!
Gerald wouldn't stop laughing, until the owners came in.

By Zayden

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